Monday 28 April 2014

Advance Excel 2010 Tutorial In Hindi

Posted by Unknown  |  at  21:11 No comments

Now a days, many jobs require advanced Excel skills. Naturally, you are interested to know what are these Advanced Excel Skills?Based on my experience of training more than 3,000 students in various online & physical training programs, the following 9 areas form the core of advanced Excel skills.<br>
Advanced Formulas
Formulas make Excel smart. With out them, Excel is just a data keeping tool. But by using formulas, you can crunch data, analyze it and get answers to most complex questions. While anyone can use a simple SUM or IF formula, an advanced user of it would be able to seamlessly write & combine formulas like SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, INDEX, MATCH, LOOKUP formulas. Apart from knowing the formulas, advanced Excel users know how to debug them, audit them and how to use which formula for which occasion (and they also know few alternatives for any given formula problem).


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